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© zhiteleva.ru 2020

Poem of the child. 

The ability of man to distinguish poetic speech from the vast stream of language in which he finds himself is only partly a consequence of the educational process. We bring to the reader's attention an observation from which it follows that this ability is inherent in man by nature itself. We will tell you about a poem that jumped out of a child at the age of 3 years 8 months quite unexpectedly for himself. This girl was not taught poetry.

The poem is in Russian. But to clearly grasp the content of this essay, it is not necessary to know Russian and be able to read it.

A child asks his mom:

- Is there a toilet in the train?
- No," the mother answers him.

In Russian, this dialog of two phrases looks like this:

- В электричке есть туалет?
- Нет.

The child involuntarily and instantly catches the consonance of the endings of these phrases (туалет — нет) and immediately gives out a whole poem built on the play of these consonances.

Here is its first line.

Нету туалета — бегает газета.

There are two sentences in the line, with a dash between them. Note the bold word endings. They are consonant and are at the end of sentences, that is, they are rhymes. 

Let us clarify the meaning of this line. 

Instead of a short “нет” answer, the mother could say “нет туалета” or “нету туалета” [no toilet]. In order not to break the rhythm of the verse, the girl chose the second option: нету туалета. This is how the girl retells her mother's answer. 

And then comes the full breadth of children's imagination. Let's look at the second sentence: бегает газета. Here's her translation: The newspaper is running. 

It is not the meaning that connects these sentences, but only their rhyme. The formal meaning of the expression is: “if there is no toilet, the newspaper runs”.

Let's take a look at the whole poem. The endings of the words in bold are its rhymes.

Нету туалета — бегает газета.
А газеты нету — бегает портрету.
А портреты нету — бегает домету.
А дометы нету — бегает лампатету.
А лампатету нету — бегает котлету.
А котлету нету — бегает калеку.

We notice that the verb “бегает” we already know runs through all the lines of the poem.

Let's look at the second line:

А газеты нету — бегает портрету.

The first sentence “а газеты нету” translates as, "but if there is no newspaper."

The second line has this meaning: "if there is no toilet and no newspaper — бегает портрету.”

Now about the word "портрету". In this case, it should be without an ending: “бегает портрет” [the portrait is running]. However, if the word is used correctly, there will be no rhyme. But for our poet, rhyme is more important than meaning. The child easily gave up the correct ending because the word was not part of the child's active vocabulary.

Let's look at the next two lines.

А портреты нету — бегает домету.
А дометы нету — бегает лампатету.

There are no words "домету" and "лампатету" in the Russian language, they were created by the child's imagination.

The word "портреты" has the wrong ending, it should be: “портрета нету” [there is no portrait]. The consonance of the words “газеты” (see above) and “портреты” is well heard in the poem. Again we see that for the child the sound of the poem is more important than its meaning!

Our poet carries the far-fetched and meaningless word “лампатету” into the next line without change. Let us look at the concluding lines of the poem.

А лампатету нету — бегает котлету.
А котлету нету — бегает калеку.

+++====++++===ДО СИХ 26февр++++

<Смотри в папке: ЭССЕ Гроза Весна!>

[В электричке есть туалет? — Нет.]

Нéту туaлéта — бéгаèт газéта.

Á газéты нету — бегает портрету.

А портреты нету — бегает домету.

А дометы нету — бегает лампатету.

А лампатету нету — бегает котлету.

Á котлéту нéту — бéгаéт калéку.

Штампы: Á  éты  нéту — бéгаèт

Á котлéту нéту — бéгаéт калéку.

Á  éты  нéту — бéгаèт



В электричке есть туалет? — Нет.
Нету туалета — бегает газета.
А газеты нету — бегает портрету.
А портреты нету — бегает домету.
А дометы нету — бегает лампатету.
А лампатету нету — бегает котлету.
А котлету нету — бегает калеку.

This poem, invented by the child.

It is in Russian.

*      *      *

Just look at this text to understand that the poem is unusual.

Painted letters will attract the attention of everyone who does not know Russian.

Undoubtedly, it is much more interesting to listen to the poem.

В электричке есть туалет? — Нет.
Нету туалета — бегает газета.
А газеты нету — бегает портрету.
А портреты нету — бегает домету.
А дометы нету — бегает лампатету.
А лампатету нету — бегает котлету.
А котлету нету — бегает калеку.

Young children love to invent words.

This entertainment gives them greater joy.

A poem is a game of words for the rhyme.

Rhymes for the word "no" pass through out the poem.

It is piercing and ringing.

The poem involuntarily appeared only for the sake of this rhyme.

Children do not create poems.

Children's poems appear on its own.

They arise from the situation in which the child exists at the moment.

I assume that the poem is a continuation of that question and answer to it, which became its first string.

It originated, because the child heard the rhyme: туалет [too-a-lét] — нет [net].

Linguistic analysis.

Note: The numbers indicate the rows numbers in the poem.

In the poem three types of words.

1. Words from regulatory vocabulary.

The verb бегает "runs" is used repeatedly.

In colloquial speech instead of нет [net] “no” the form нету [né-too] is allowed.

The word "a" is used in the meaning “if".

1 В электричке есть туалет? — Нет.
Is there a toilet on the train? - Not.

The following phrases do not violate grammatical norms:

2 Нету туалета — бегает газета.
There is no toilet - the newspaper runs.

3 А газеты нету…
If there is no newspaper…

2. Ends of nouns are deformed in the following phrases.

The correct endings are indicated in brackets.

3 бегает портрету (портрет - portrait)
6 бегает котлету (котлета - cutlet)
7 бегает калеку (калека - cripple)
4 портреты (портрета) нету
7 котлету (котлеты) нету

3. Words which do not exist in Russian:

домéту - домéты, лампатéту.

Look at the poem again.

Invented by a child is highlighted in red.

В электричке есть туалет? — Нет.
Нету туалета — бегает газета.
А газеты нету — бегает портрету.
А портреты нету — бегает домету.
А дометы нету — бегает лампатету.
А лампатету нету — бегает котлету.
А котлету нету — бегает калеку.

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